Inici » Effective Methods to Quit Smoking Definitively in Spain

Effective Methods to Quit Smoking Definitively in Spain

by vivirtusalud
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un hombre y una mujer sentados en una estera en la playa haciendo ejercicios de yoga juntos, con el sol brillando en el agua detrás de ellos, Ella Guru, imagen promocional, una fotografía de archivo, arabesco

The Negative Impact of Tobacco in Spain

In Spain, tobacco causes more than 50,000 deaths and represents 13% of the total annual deaths, according to data from the Cancer Observatory of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). This makes quitting smoking a pending task for many people who take advantage of the start of a new year or a change of stage to overcome their nicotine addiction for good.

Methods to Quit Smoking

Medicines to Stop Smoking

Smokers make an average of six attempts before quitting for good. Many times, to achieve this, the most suitable is to follow a treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Nicotine replacement is a therapy that consists of administering small doses of nicotine (through patches, gums, inhalers…) without the toxic products of tobacco, to make the withdrawal syndrome more bearable.

Other drugs such as Todacitana and Bupropion, prescribed by the doctor, are also effective in reducing the urge to use tobacco and in reducing the withdrawal syndrome.

Alternative Devices to Tobacco

Electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco are options that many people consider, but they generate controversy due to possible long-term effects and contraindications.

Innovative Therapies

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electronic devices such as the smart collar are modern alternatives that are being used to aid in the process of quitting smoking.

Homemade Tips and Tricks

Quitting smoking starts with having willpower, and beyond treatments, it is important to follow some basic guidelines and keys in day-to-day life.

Changing routines and keeping the mind busy, as well as having support from the environment, are key steps to overcome tobacco addiction.

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