Inici » The Best Natural Methods to Quit Smoking

The Best Natural Methods to Quit Smoking

by vivirtusalud
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una gran pila de tubos de cobre apilados uno encima del otro en un almacén o área de fábrica con fondo negro, Cao Zhibai, renderizado de 8 k, renderizado 3D, fotorrealismo


Smoking is an extremely harmful habit for your health. Despite the efforts of the media and governments to raise awareness among the population about the dangers of tobacco, quitting smoking can be a difficult task due to the strong addiction that nicotine creates. In this article, we will present you the best natural methods to quit smoking permanently, without resorting to chemicals or medical treatments.

1. Valerian root to combat anxiety

Valerian root is known for its relaxing and sedative properties, making it an effective natural remedy to combat anxiety and stress associated with tobacco withdrawal syndrome. According to the American Cancer Society, people who consume valerian root infusions experience a reduction in insomnia symptoms and enjoy more restful sleep. To use this remedy, prepare an infusion with 2 or 3 grams of valerian roots and drink it preferably before going to sleep.

2. Cloves to reduce cravings

Cloves contain eugenol, a substance that reduces the desire to smoke and nicotine cravings. In addition, cloves offer other health benefits. After smoking a cigarette, place a clove in your mouth and leave it for as long as possible. Repeat this procedure every time you feel the need to smoke. Keep in mind that there are cigarettes that contain cloves, but they are still harmful to your health due to the harmful chemicals in tobacco.

3. Acorus root to unpleasant the taste of cigarettes

Achorus root, also known as aromatic calamus, is one of the best natural remedies to quit smoking permanently. This root relieves withdrawal symptoms and makes the taste of cigarettes unpleasant. In addition, acorus has tranquilizing and sedative properties that help calm the nervous system. You can slowly chew a piece of dried acorus root when you feel like smoking, but do not swallow it.

4. Oatmeal to eliminate toxins from the body

Oatmeal is a food that helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body, including nicotine. In addition, oats help alleviate the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal syndrome. Boil 2 tablespoons of ground oats in 1 cup of water for 5 minutes and drink it after meals.

5. Ginger to detoxify the body

Ginger is a root that helps detoxify the body, eliminating nicotine and reducing the effects of withdrawal syndrome. You can chew ginger root for a few minutes or make an infusion with ginger slices and boiling water. Drink 2 or 3 cups a day to reap its benefits.

Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?

The nicotine present in tobacco is a highly addictive substance that causes pleasure and a feeling of well-being. This addiction makes the process of quitting smoking difficult and requires great willpower. In addition, it is necessary to find mechanisms to reduce anxiety and detoxify the body. If you want more information on this topic, we recommend watching the attached video in which psychologist Brenda Ortiz explains the difficulties that smokers face when trying to quit the addiction.

Final considerations

Tobacco contains more than 4,000 toxic substances and increases the risk of developing serious diseases such as heart attack, stroke and lung cancer. In addition, tobacco affects physical endurance, increases blood pressure and weakens the immune system. Therefore, it is essential to consider quitting smoking. Although there are effective medical treatments, natural remedies can also be an option to quit this habit. Remember that willpower, perseverance and perseverance are key to achieving it.


In short, quitting smoking is a challenge, but there are natural methods that can help you achieve it. Valerian root, cloves, acorus root, oats and ginger are some of the home remedies that you can use to combat tobacco addiction. Remember that these methods require willpower and perseverance, but they can be effective in quitting this unhealthy habit. We wish you much success on your path to a smoke-free life!

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