Inici » Foods that benefit the skin: a complete guide

Foods that benefit the skin: a complete guide

by vivirtusalud
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un plato de arroz con pimientos, anacardos y otras verduras sobre una mesa con una cuchara, Art Green, fotografía de comida profesional, una fotografía de archivo, maximalismo


If you want to have glowing, healthy, and radiant skin, it’s important to remember where you get all those qualities from. Skin care products can help, but we must not forget that the key to having beautiful skin often starts with what we consume.

The importance of healthy skin

The skin is a vital organ that performs protective and sensory functions important to our overall health. For skin to function optimally, it needs to receive adequate nutrients from our diet.

The layers of the skin

The skin is made up of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. These layers work together to provide a protective layer for our body and protect us from external elements.

The skin as a permeable organ

The skin is not a solid layer of cells, but is permeable, meaning that nutrients can pass through it and reach our cells. This allows us to use skin care products to provide nutrients through the skin’s natural physiology.

Diet and its impact on the skin

For our skin cells to function properly, they need to receive certain nutrients. Some nutrients are essential for optimal skin health and performance, and cannot be obtained through topical products alone. It is necessary to consume foods that provide these nutrients to maintain healthy and radiant skin.

Essential vitamins and nutrients

There are several vitamins and nutrients that are essential for radiant skin. Omega-3s help minimize signs of aging, vitamin C improves collagen production, vitamin A helps prevent collagen damage, vitamin K aids in healing processes, and vitamin D keeps cells healthy. These are just a few examples of the nutrients our skin needs to stay healthy.

Foods for radiant skin

There are many foods that can help nourish our skin and improve its appearance. Some options include fish rich in omega-3s, orange and yellow vegetables such as peppers and carrots, citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, leafy greens such as broccoli, and foods rich in vitamin E such as wheat germ oil and peas. almonds

Foods for clear skin

Clear skin is the result of proper functioning of the skin. To maintain clear skin, it is important to eat a healthy diet and avoid certain foods that can negatively affect sebum production and clog pores.

Foods to avoid

Some foods to avoid to maintain clear skin include those that trigger insulin production, foods high in sugar and high-glycemic carbohydrates, foods high in trans or saturated fats, and dairy products containing whey and casein.

Foods for clear skin

To maintain clear skin, it is advisable to consume low glycemic index foods, protein-rich foods such as chicken and fish, berries, green leafy vegetables, and foods rich in vitamin B3 such as liver and tuna.

Foods for healthy skin protection

Our skin faces many environmental stressors daily, such as sun, wind, and pollution. To protect our skin, it is important to consume foods rich in antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative damage.

Foods with natural antioxidants

There are many foods that contain natural antioxidants, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, berries, spices and herbs, grains, nuts, and certain beverages such as green tea and red wine.


Healthy, radiant skin comes from a combination of a healthy diet and proper skin care. Eating foods that are good for your skin can help nourish it from within and improve its appearance. Additionally, it is important to protect our skin from harmful environmental factors and use skin care products that provide additional support.

Follow our skin care tips on our blog and discover more ways to keep your skin healthy and radiant!

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