Inici » Learn how to make your own CBD cream: We give you the recipe

Learn how to make your own CBD cream: We give you the recipe

by vivirtusalud
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tres frascos de líquidos de diferentes colores junto a una hoja verde de una planta sobre una superficie blanca con fondo blanco, Cui Bai, fotografía detallada del producto, una fotografía de archivo, les nabis

Muscle and joint pain is a discomfort that affects many people and prevents them from enjoying their daily lives. In addition, they can cause physical inactivity and, therefore, more health problems. Luckily, there is a natural and effective solution: homemade CBD cream. We teach you how to make it step by step.

What do you need to make CBD cream?

Making a CBD cream at home is very simple, especially if you already have CBD oil prepared. If not, don’t worry, we also explain how to do it. All you need is the following:

Necessary material

  • A mortar or grinder
  • A cazo
  • A bowl
  • A colander or cheesecloth
  • A wooden spoon
  • A cheesecloth
  • A kitchen thermometer (optional)
  • One or several containers with lids


  • 30 grs. of dried flowers of a cannabis variety with a high CBD content, such as hemp. You can also use the same amount of CBD oil that you already have ready to use.
  • ½ liter of plant-based oil, such as olive, coconut or almond. Coconut is the most recommended because it will give the cream the right consistency.
  • 1 liter of water, preferably distilled.
  • 20 grams. of calendula to infuse.
  • 40 grs. of beeswax, better if it is laminated, but it can also be powdered.
  • A splash of the essential oil that you like the most.

How is CBD cream made?

Before you start, you should know that you can skip steps 1 to 9 if you already have CBD oil purchased. If not, follow these steps to make your own CBD cream:

  1. Wash the cannabis flowers well with warm water. After draining them, put them in the oven for a few minutes to decarboxylate.
  2. Meanwhile, make an infusion with distilled water and calendula. Let it cool and save the liquid.
  3. Grind the dried flowers with the mortar or grinder.
  4. Put the saucepan with water on the stove over medium heat and place the bowl on top of it. bain-marie.
  5. Add the chosen vegetable oil, the calendula infusion and the CBD flowers.
  6. Cook for approximately 3 hours without boiling. Stir with the spoon from time to time.
  7. Once done, strain the mixture with the strainer or cheesecloth, leaving only the liquid.
  8. Put it in the bowl and take it away. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
  9. At that point, you will see two layers: one of water at the bottom and one of oil at the top. Separate them with the spoon and discard the lower one.
  10. Put it back in the water bath, and add, in addition to the solidified oil, the beeswax cut into small pieces.
  11. Mix well with the spoon, when they have melted enough, turn off the heat.
  12. Pour in the essential oil you have chosen. Mix again.
  13. Once everything is integrated, put the resulting cream in containers with lids and take them to the refrigerator. From there you can take them out without any problem when you need them.

How to use CBD cream?

This CBD cream can be used twice a day on the affected area and massaging to facilitate its absorption. You must avoid mucosal areas and remember that it cannot be ingested. It is important to take into account the possibility of adverse reactions, so it is advisable to do a test with a small surface of the skin and consult with your doctor.

If you don’t dare to make it at home, you can see the best CBD creams here.

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