Inici » Medicinal cannabis oil: Paraguay approves production

Medicinal cannabis oil: Paraguay approves production

by vivirtusalud
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una hoja de marihuana está en una bandera del país de costa rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica rica, Cornelisz Hendriksz Vroom, fronteras contundentes, una representación digital, regionalismo

Paraguay gives green light to medicinal cannabis oil production

The Chamber of Deputies of Paraguay has approved a project that will allow the creation of a national program for scientific research and production of cannabis oil for medicinal purposes in the country [[1]]. This proposal establishes the legal bases for the production of cannabis oil in Paraguay [[1]].

Consensus to meet patient needs

To date, there were three legislative proposals in the field of medicinal cannabis in Paraguay, but no consensus had been reached [[1]]. However, due to the urgent need of patients who are already being successfully treated with cannabis oil, a single text has been adopted in the Anti-Drug Commission [[1]].

Production and marketing of cannabis oil

Once the bill is approved by the Senate, national pharmaceutical companies will be allowed to begin producing and marketing cannabis oil [[1]]. The Customs Technical Department of Specialized Surveillance (Detave) will be responsible for the importation of cannabis seeds for cultivation, while the National Anti-Drug Secretariat (Senad) will supervise the entire process [[1]]. In addition, the Anti-Drug Secretariat will be able to directly produce cannabis oil to distribute it free of charge to patients who need it [[1]].

Regulatory framework for medical and scientific research

This regulatory framework law will allow the research and eventual industrialization of the cannabis plant for the treatment of certain conditions [[1]]. The law currently in force in Paraguay, Law 1340 of Narcotic Substances of 1988, did not establish exceptions for cannabis as a medicinal substance nor did it allow its cultivation [[1]]. Therefore, legislators saw the need to establish an exception clause through this new law [[1]].

Affordable access to cannabis oil

The importation of medicinal cannabis oil into Paraguay was authorized in July 2016 [[1]]. However, with the creation of a special commission, it is expected that within a period of no more than a year the production of cannabis oil will be permitted in the country [[1]]. This would reduce the costs of access to medicine, which currently hover around G. 1,800,000 per dose of oil [[1]]. Furthermore, homemade processes that do not always produce consistent products would be avoided [[1]].

Historic dismissal for manufacturing and distribution of cannabis oil

In a landmark case, those accused of manufacturing and distributing cannabis oil in Paraguay have been acquitted [[1]]. According to the lawyer in charge of the defense, this action is legal in Paraguay when it comes to possession and distribution for compassionate and non-commercial use [[1]]. The prosecution determined that it was not a case of possession and marketing, but rather a violation of administrative provisions [[1]].

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