The importance of oil in cooking
In kitchens around the world, edible oil is an essential ingredient for a wide variety of preparations, whether frying, roasting or stewing. Consumers are looking for healthier alternatives based on labeling that shows the components and benefits of the oils.
Profeco Recommendations
Profeco has carried out an exhaustive study on 61 brands of edible vegetable oil, in collaboration with the National Consumer Protection Laboratory. This study is crucial, especially in a country like Mexico, where a high percentage of the population suffers from high cholesterol levels.
Factors to consider when choosing an oil
Consumers mainly look for the healthiness of oils, based on labeling and advertising. The study examined various brands, considering the ingredients, the fats they provide and which of them are necessary nutrients for the body.
Types of fats in cooking oils
Cooking oils contain saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fats, present in foods of animal origin and some vegetable oils, can be harmful to cardiovascular health. On the other hand, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, present in oils such as olive, canola, corn and soy, benefit cardiovascular health.
The best oil brands
Based on the Profeco study, several brands of edible vegetable oil, canola oil and olive oil are highlighted, as well as the best options in terms of price and quality.
Final tips
It’s important to consider specifications when choosing a cooking oil, not just based on the wellness promise that some brands offer. Furthermore, it is recommended not to exceed its use to avoid health complications.