Inici » Profeco reveals which is the best oil for cooking, here we tell you

Profeco reveals which is the best oil for cooking, here we tell you

by vivirtusalud
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tres botellas de aceite y algunas verduras sobre una mesa con hojas y bayas en la mesa de al lado, Ceferí Olivé, fotografía gastronómica profesional, una fotografía de archivo, dau-al-set

The best oils for cooking

The Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor (Profeco), a body under the Ministry of Economy of the Mexican Government, has revealed which is the best cooking oil, according to studies carried out. In addition, a variety of gourmet oils have also been analysed.

It is important to highlight that the cooking oils recommended by Profeco are of vegetable origin. These oils are cholesterol-free and contain vitamins and omega fatty acids, making them a healthy option.

There are different types of oils of vegetable origin that are used for cooking, such as sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, olive, canola, pure, edible vegetable, safflower, corn, sesame, grape, avocado, peanut, rice bran and palm.

Profeco recommendations

Profeco recommends using the following oils for cooking, since they contain good fats for the body and are less saturated:

– Peanut

– Sunflower

– Safflower

– Oliva

– Corn

– Soya

– Canola

These oils stand out for their quality and price. In addition, Profeco also mentions that grape, rice bran and sesame oils are a good option.

How to choose the best cooking oils

Profeco offers some recommendations for choosing the best cooking oils:

– Choose oils with less than 4 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon.

– Avoid partially hydrogenated oils or trans fats.

– Read the labels carefully to know the nutritional content of the oils.

Precautions when cooking with oil

It is important to keep some precautions in mind when cooking with oil:

– Do not overheat the oil, as it may generate smoke and begin its decomposition process.

– Avoid the formation of trans fats, which can clog the arteries and generate toxic substances.

– Do not mix oils from different seeds or used oil with new oil.

Recommended oils for high temperature cooking

The recommended oils for cooking at high temperatures are:

– Soya

– Peanut

– Sesame

Gourmet type oils

There are some gourmet type oils that do not fully declare their nutritional content on their labels. Some examples are:

– Avocado oils: Avocare, Cate de mi corazón Avocado oil, Cate de mi corazón Mediterranean avocado oil, San Lucas extra virgin gourmet.

– Sesame oils: Foreway sesame expert, Kaporo and Hum Chum. These oils partially declare their nutritional content.

– Grape seed oil: San Lucas, grape seed oil.


In conclusion, Profeco has revealed which is the best oil for cooking, highlighting peanut, sunflower, safflower, olive, corn, soy and canola oils. These oils are a healthy and quality option. However, it is important to read labels and take precautions when cooking with oil.

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