Inici » CBD and the liver: Exploring functions, benefits and risks

CBD and the liver: Exploring functions, benefits and risks

by vivirtusalud
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un hombre con traje parado junto a un gran objeto rojo sobre un fondo azul, Fernando Botero, diseño surrealista plano y colorido, una escultura abstracta, arbeitsrat für kunst

What does the liver do?

The liver, that multifaceted organ, is like the conductor of the human body. Its role is fundamental to keep us in harmony. It filters toxins, produces bile to break down fats, stores nutrients, regulates hormones and even makes cholesterol. In short, the liver is a true health superhero.

CBD and its influence on the liver

CBD oil has been on everyone’s lips lately, but what about the potential liver risks? Let’s explore the effects of CBD on this vital organ. Some studies suggest that CBD may protect the liver from damage caused by alcohol abuse or improve liver function in people with hepatitis C. However, there are also caveats: a recent study in mice showed that excessive doses of CBD can damage the liver. liver. The key seems to be finding the right dose.

Is it dangerous for the liver?

The answer is not definitive. More research is needed to understand the long-term effects of CBD on the liver. If you have liver problems, consult a doctor before taking CBD. A study in mice revealed signs of liver toxicity at high doses, but those doses are much higher than what most people would take. To put it in perspective, a 150-pound person would need to ingest more than 1,300 mg of CBD per day, which is well above the usual doses (10-80 mg daily).

Human Outcomes: The ValidCare Study

ValidCare, a research company, conducted a human clinical study. Preliminary results showed no signs of liver disease in the 839 participants who consumed CBD orally. It seems that the human liver can handle CBD without problems.

Other findings

In addition to animal studies, there is clinical research in humans. CBD may protect the liver from alcohol-related damage and improve liver function in patients with hepatitis C. One study even suggests that CBD alone does not cause significant liver damage.


In short, science continues to evolve around CBD and the liver. While moderate use appears safe, those considering high doses should consult a healthcare professional. As with any melody, the key is finding the right harmony.

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