Inici » Benzoin: Spiritual and Esoteric Properties

Benzoin: Spiritual and Esoteric Properties

by vivirtusalud
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un ramo de flores blancas colgando de la rama de un árbol con hojas verdes en sus ramas y un fondo de hojas verdes, Domirinic Fegallia, flores, un rompecabezas, rococó

Origin and Properties of Benzoin

Benzoin, known as “friar’s balm,” is a resin obtained from trees native to Thailand and Sumatra in Asia. Its pleasant aroma makes it ideal for the manufacture of incense, deodorants, perfumes and body care products.

Benzoin essential oil has calming, therapeutic properties and benefits for the respiratory, digestive system and skin.

Spiritual Properties of Benzoin

Purification and Positive Energy

Benzoin incense is used to purify the environment, eliminate negative energies and attract the positive, being associated with spiritual and religious practices.

Chakra Alignment and Divine Connection

Benzoin incense is said to be used to align the chakras, elevate consciousness, and foster a deep connection with the divine.

Meditation and Esoteric Amplification

Benzoin is used to accompany meditation, generating mental peace, emotional stability and amplifying the esoteric potency of other herbs.

Healing Properties and Recommendations

In addition to its spiritual properties, benzoin offers healing benefits for the skin, nervous system, disinfection, and relief of various conditions.

It is important to use benzoin with respect and caution, avoiding ingestion and ensuring you are in a positive state of mind when working with it.


Benzoin, with its spiritual, esoteric and healing properties, represents an invaluable tool for purification, spiritual connection and physical and emotional well-being.

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