Recognizing the Difficulty of Quitting SmokingIf you are considering quitting smoking or are considering getting …
9 Effective Strategies to Quit Smoking: Follow These Tips if You Want to Quit Tobacco
by vivirtusaludby vivirtusaludThe Harmful Custom of SmokingThe act of smoking is a harmful habit that negatively affects …
The challenge of quitting smoking in SpainIn Spain, a high percentage of the population still …
The challenge of quitting smokingI often think of the day I smoked my last cigarette. …
IntroductionIf you’re looking to quit smoking, you’ve probably wondered what the best approach is to …
Todacitan: the medicine to quit smoking in less than a month
by vivirtusaludby vivirtusaludQuit smoking with medical helpQuitting tobacco is a step that most smokers want to take …
Health finances a natural treatment to quit smoking in 25 days: requirements and benefits
by vivirtusaludby vivirtusaludTreatment financed by HealthFor approximately four months, Health had not subsidized any treatment to address …
IntroductionIf you are looking for an effective way to quit smoking and overcome nicotine addiction, …
Todacitan: the innovative treatment to stop smoking financed by Health
by vivirtusaludby vivirtusaludThe problem of smoking in SpainIn Spain, tobacco consumption is a serious public health problem. …
Todacitan: The New Smoking Cessation Treatment Funded by the Health System
by vivirtusaludby vivirtusaludIntroductionThe withdrawal of the drug Champix from the Spanish market due to carcinogenic impurities has …