Inici » The transfer of powers in the approval of medical degrees: A threat to equity and health quality?

The transfer of powers in the approval of medical degrees: A threat to equity and health quality?

by davidmartinrius
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The General Council of Medical Colleges opposes the transfer of powers

The General Council of Official Medical Colleges (Cgcom) has announced its intention to take legal action to challenge the transfer of powers regarding the homologation of university degrees to the Basque Country. This decision has generated great controversy in the health sector, as it raises questions about the equity and quality of medical care in Spain.

A measure that violates equity

The Cgcom maintains that the transfer of powers could endanger the principle of equity and non-discrimination in the recognition of medical studies. They argue that it could create a system of “hard access” and “soft access” to the homologation of degrees, depending on the autonomous region where they are requested.

Currently, Spanish doctors are governed by state regulations regarding their qualifications, regardless of their place of professional practice. The Cgcom fears that the decentralization of the homologation competence could lead to disparities in the requirements and evaluation criteria, which could generate inequalities in access to the medical profession.

The risk of a “contagion effect”

The Cgcom also warns of the “contagion effect” that could occur if other autonomous regions follow the example of the Basque Country and also request the transfer of powers regarding the homologation of degrees. This, according to the Cgcom, could generate a situation of uncertainty and confusion in the Spanish health system.

In addition, the Cgcom expresses its concern about the possible hiring of professionals without the corresponding specialty titles, which could deteriorate standards of clinical care and safety.

A measure contrary to the European Medical Profession

The Cgcom also criticizes the transfer of powers for going against the purpose of the European Medical Profession, which works to harmonize common criteria and guarantee excellent healthcare for all European citizens.

The position of the Basque Government

For its part, the Basque Government argues that the transfer of powers will allow it to address the deficit of health professionals in the region. The Minister of Health, José Luis Bancalero, has encouraged other autonomous communities to follow his example.

Aragon, the only region that has requested the transfer

So far, only Aragon has formally requested the central government to transfer powers regarding the homologation of degrees. The Minister of Health, José Luis Bancalero, has stated that this measure would contribute to alleviating the deficit of health professionals in the region.

The future of the approval of medical degrees in Spain

The transfer of powers regarding the homologation of medical degrees to the Basque Country has opened a debate about the future of the medical profession in Spain. The Cgcom defends a homogeneous solution at the state level, while the Basque Government advocates greater decentralization. It remains to be seen how this situation will evolve and what impact it will have on the equity, quality and safety of healthcare in Spain.

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