Inici » 12 creams and treatments to relieve the pain of tired legs and improve circulation

12 creams and treatments to relieve the pain of tired legs and improve circulation

by vivirtusalud
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What are tired legs and varicose veins?

Tired legs and varicose veins are common problems that affect many people, especially those who spend a lot of time on their feet or have poor blood circulation. Tired legs are characterized by a feeling of heaviness, swelling and fatigue in the legs, while varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins that can cause pain and discomfort.

Creams to relieve pain and swelling

There are several creams and topical treatments that can help relieve pain and swelling in tired legs. These creams usually contain ingredients such as arnica extract, which has calming and anti-inflammatory properties. You can also find creams with horse chestnut, which helps strengthen the walls of the veins and improve blood circulation.

Tired legs cream with arnica extract

This cream, formulated with arnica flower extract, is ideal for relaxing and toning tired legs. In addition to relieving pain and swelling, it also improves the appearance of the skin and can be used by people who spend many hours on their feet.

Martiderm Levgass Emulsion

This emulsion contains horse chestnut and gotu kola, which help reduce swelling and improve blood circulation in the legs. In addition, it leaves a feeling of freshness and lightness on the legs.

Oral treatments to improve circulation

In addition to topical creams, there are also oral treatments that can help improve blood circulation in the legs. These treatments usually contain ingredients such as butcher’s broom and horse chestnut, which have venotonic properties and help strengthen veins.

Aquilea light legs (60 tablets)

These tablets contain ruscus, horse chestnut and vitamin C, which help revitalize the legs and improve venous circulation. It is recommended to take two tablets a day for best results.

Supplement for tired legs, from Vecos

This supplement contains plant extracts such as grape and ginkgo biloba, which have antioxidant properties and help dilate blood vessels. It also contains vitamin C, which contributes to the creation of collagen for the proper functioning of blood vessels.


In summary, there are various creams and treatments that can help relieve the pain of tired legs and improve blood circulation. These products usually contain ingredients such as arnica extract, horse chestnut and vitamin C. In addition, you can also find oral treatments that complement the effect of topical creams. Remember to consult a doctor or specialist before starting any treatment.

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