Inici » Cannabinoids and cannabis in the treatment of pain: reality or myth?

Cannabinoids and cannabis in the treatment of pain: reality or myth?

by vivirtusalud
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se muestra una hoja verde sobre un fondo blanco con un borde negro alrededor y un borde negro alrededor, Altichiero, hierba, una representación digital, les nabis


The use of cannabinoids and cannabis to treat chronic pain has been the subject of debate and controversy. While some defend its benefits, others consider that the evidence is insufficient and that the positive results may be due to the placebo effect.

Lack of scientific evidence

In a review of clinical trials on cannabinoids and pain, it was found that there were no significant differences compared to placebo [[1]]. This has led the International Association for the Study of Pain to not endorse the use of cannabinoids for pain relief [[2]]. Furthermore, a study published in JAMA Network Open revealed that the pain relief reported by patients treated with cannabinoids was also observed in those who received a placebo [[3]]. This suggests that the effect may be attributed to patients’ expectations rather than to the compounds present in cannabis.

The role of placebo and expectations

The placebo effect may influence the perception of pain relief. In cannabinoid studies, successful blinding is challenging due to people’s familiarity with the drug. Some methods used to counteract this effect include administering low doses, using placebos that do not contain the psychoactive compounds in cannabis, and measuring participants’ expectations [ [4] ].

Nociplastic pain and the role of the brain

Nociplastic pain, which includes conditions such as fibromyalgia and tension headaches, may be especially susceptible to the placebo effect. Thoughts and expectations are thought to play an important role in the perception of nociplastic pain [ [5] ]. However, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms involved.


Although many people look to cannabis and cannabinoids as a solution for chronic pain, current scientific evidence does not support their use as an effective treatment [[1]]. It is important to continue research and better understand the mechanisms involved in pain relief to offer more effective treatment options to patients.

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