Inici » Everything you need to know about CBD and how to consume it

Everything you need to know about CBD and how to consume it

by vivirtusalud
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un grupo de botellas llenas de diferentes tipos de aceite de cbd junto a una hoja de marihuana sobre una mesa, Évariste Vital Luminais, aceite, una fotografía de stock, incoherentes

Cannabis and its medicinal benefits

Cannabis is an ancient plant that has been used by various civilizations for food, ceremonial, industrial and medicinal purposes. In fact, evidence of its therapeutic use has been found for thousands of years in different cultures and regions of the world.

Currently, cannabis and its derivatives are gaining more and more acceptance and recognition as natural and effective alternatives to treat various diseases and symptoms. Some countries have regulated its medicinal use, allowing patients access to quality and safe products. Among them are Germany, Belgium, Italy, Croatia, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and several states in the United States, among others.

CBD, the cannabinoid with the most therapeutic potential

Cannabis contains more than 100 chemicals called cannabinoids, which can interact with our body’s endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for regulating various vital functions, such as pain, inflammation, appetite, metabolism, sleep, mood and stress, among others. Its objective is to maintain the balance and homeostasis of our body.

One of the most studied cannabinoids and with the most medicinal properties is CBD or cannabidiol. CBD has antioxidant, antipsychotic, analgesic and anxiolytic effects, which can help relieve and prevent various pathologies. Furthermore, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, that is, it does not alter perception or consciousness, but instead modulates the action of THC, the cannabinoid responsible for the psychotropic effects of cannabis. CBD can be found in both hemp and marijuana, although in different proportions.

How to choose and consume CBD products

If you want to start using CBD to improve your health and well-being, the first thing you should do is identify the cause and intensity of your problem. This way you can choose the product and dosage most suitable for you. Remember that each person is different and that CBD can have different effects depending on the individual, the product and the way of consumption.

There are different ways to consume CBD, depending on your preferences and needs. Below, we explain some of the most common ones and their advantages and disadvantages.

Accept the CBD capsule

CBD oil or capsule are supplements that are taken orally, either by placing a few drops under the tongue or swallowing a capsule with water or another liquid. This is a discreet and simple way to consume CBD, allowing you to control the dosage precisely. CBD is absorbed through the oral mucosa or digestive tract and reaches the bloodstream, where it can exert its effects throughout the body. The effect of oral CBD usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes to manifest and can last between 4 and 6 hours, depending on concentration, metabolism and other factors.

CBD balm or lotion

CBD balm or lotion are products that are applied to the skin, in the area affected by pain, inflammation or a skin condition. These products are made with a base of oils or waxes, which may contain other natural ingredients, such as beeswax or coconut oil, that enhance the properties of CBD. CBD is absorbed through the skin and acts locally, relieving symptoms quickly and effectively. The effect of topical CBD is usually noticeable in about 15 or 20 minutes and can last between 2 and 4 hours, depending on the amount and frequency of application.

CBD patch

The CBD patch is a product that adheres to the skin and gradually and steadily releases cannabinoids into the bloodstream. The patch should have a stable, porous layer that allows the chemicals to diffuse without breaking down or being released too quickly. CBD is absorbed through the skin and acts throughout the body, providing a long-lasting and uniform effect. The effect of transdermal CBD usually begins in about 30 minutes and can last between 12 and 24 hours, depending on the potency and duration of the patch.

CBD bath salts

CBD bath salts are a product that dissolves in hot bath water and contains essential oils from ‘Cannabis sativa’ seeds among other components. This product, like other bath salts, is used to relax the body and mind, stimulate circulation, hydrate the skin and eliminate fatigue. CBD is absorbed through the skin and acts generally, providing a feeling of well-being and harmony. The effect of CBD via spa is usually immediate and can last between 1 and 2 hours, depending on the water temperature and immersion time.

CBD in Spain

In Spain, the cultivation of medicinal cannabis is subject to authorization by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS), which regulates and controls it. However, Spanish legislation does not allow the manufacture of products derived from cannabis, although it does allow their export to countries where their production and marketing is legal.

Despite this limitation, in Spain you can find products containing CBD from other countries, which are sold as dietary supplements. This is possible thanks to the principle of free circulation of products and goods that governs the European Union. According to this principle, the Spanish State cannot prevent the sale of products containing CBD if they have been legally manufactured or marketed as food supplements or dietary products in other Member States, such as Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy or the Czech Republic. . The growing demand and the free circulation of goods within the EU make any attempt by the administration to prevent consumers from accessing these CBD products, which are increasingly numerous and varied on the market, useless.

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