Inici » What changes will the legalization of medicinal cannabis bring in Spain? More patients benefited, more drugs available and more pharmacies involved

What changes will the legalization of medicinal cannabis bring in Spain? More patients benefited, more drugs available and more pharmacies involved

by vivirtusalud
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una persona sosteniendo una botella con una hoja de marihuana y un estetoscopio al fondo, Dr. Atl, orgánico, una foto de archivo, les nabis

Chronic pain is a reality that affects many people and reduces their quality of life. According to the president of the Spanish Pain Society (SED), María Maradiaga, patients with chronic pain have to modify their lives completely, since they suffer the physical and emotional consequences of the disease that causes it and the treatments that try to alleviate it. .

To improve the situation of these patients, on June 27, Congress approved the opinion that urges the Government to regulate the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes. The Government will have a maximum period of 6 months to establish the measures and protocols necessary to make medicinal cannabis a reality in Spain. This represents great news for people who suffer from cancer pain, multiple sclerosis, some forms of epilepsy, nausea or vomiting associated with chemotherapy, endometriosis and other chronic pain, which are the indications for which the use of cannabis will be legislated. medicinal.

What does the legalization of medicinal cannabis mean?

The legalization of medical cannabis does not mean that patients can smoke marijuana freely. What it implies is that they will be able to access medicines that contain cannabinoids, which are the active ingredients of cannabis, with a medical prescription and under health control. These medications can be dispensed in both hospital pharmacies and community pharmacies, which will facilitate access to patients who live far from hospital centers.

Until now, in Spain there were only two authorized medications that contained cannabinoids: Sativex and Epidiolex. These medications could only be used in very specific cases (multiple sclerosis and some epilepsies, respectively) and as complementary treatments when other therapies did not work. Furthermore, they could only be obtained in hospital pharmacies. With the new legislation, it is expected that the number of medications with cannabinoids will expand and that they can be used for more pathologies and as first-line treatments.

What benefits does medicinal cannabis have?

Medical cannabis has multiple benefits for patients suffering from chronic pain. According to the SED, medicinal cannabis can relieve different types of pain and improve the quality of life of patients. Additionally, medical cannabis has fewer side effects than other pain relievers, such as opioids, which can cause dependence, drowsiness, constipation or depression.

Medical cannabis acts on the endocannabinoid system, which is a system that regulates various functions of the body, such as pain, sleep, appetite, mood or memory. Medical cannabis contains two main cannabinoids: THC and CBD. THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis, which produces the effect of euphoria or high. CBD is the non-psychoactive component, which has anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic and neuroprotective properties. The combination of both cannabinoids can enhance its therapeutic effects and reduce its adverse effects.

What challenges does the legalization of medicinal cannabis pose?

The legalization of medicinal cannabis represents progress for patients, but it also poses some challenges for the health system. One of them is the training of health professionals, both doctors and pharmacists, who will have to know the indications, doses, interactions and side effects of cannabinoid medications. Another challenge is the guarantee of quality, safety and effectiveness of medicines, which will have to comply with regulatory and pharmaceutical standards. A third challenge is the prevention of improper or recreational use of medicinal cannabis, which could have negative consequences for the health of users.

To face these challenges, it is necessary for the Government to establish a clear and consensual legal framework, which has the participation of all the agents involved: patients, health professionals, pharmaceutical industry, CBD companies, public administrations and civil society. This will ensure that medicinal cannabis is a safe, effective and accessible therapeutic option for patients who need it.

What opportunities does the legalization of medicinal cannabis offer?

The legalization of medicinal cannabis also offers opportunities for the development of new products, services and markets. On the one hand, the pharmaceutical industry will be able to research and develop new drugs with cannabinoids, which could have applications in other pathologies. On the other hand, CBD companies, which already offer products with this component, will be able to collaborate with pharmaceutical laboratories to create joint products that adapt to the needs of patients. Furthermore, the legalization of medicinal cannabis could be the first step towards broader legalization of cannabis, including its recreational use, which could generate economic and social benefits.

In short, the legalization of medicinal cannabis in Spain is a reality that is getting closer and that represents an important change for patients with chronic pain. However, it also implies a series of challenges and opportunities that must be faced with responsibility and rigor. At Copilot, we hope that this article has helped you better understand this topic and we invite you to continue informing yourself from other quality sources.

Find out more about Victoria Bustamante, author of this article.

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