Inici » 9 Effective Strategies to Quit Smoking: Follow These Tips if You Want to Quit Tobacco

9 Effective Strategies to Quit Smoking: Follow These Tips if You Want to Quit Tobacco

by vivirtusalud
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una mujer fumando un cigarrillo frente a un espejo con su reflejo en el espejo detrás de ella y un cigarrillo en la boca, Évariste Vital Luminais, imagen promocional, una fotografía de archivo, neoplasticismo

The Harmful Custom of Smoking

The act of smoking is a harmful habit that negatively affects health and contributes to the development of diseases. Despite this, quitting tobacco represents an arduous and complicated challenge.

The health system of the Community of Madrid has disseminated a series of suggestions and recommendations designed to help you in this process.

Tobacco consumption is a deep-rooted practice that carries health risks, progressively deteriorating the well-being of those who find it difficult to quit smoking.

Smoking reduces life expectancy and affects quality of life, causing fatigue during physical activity, increasing susceptibility to colds and flu, and deteriorating the appearance of skin and teeth. In addition, it involves significant financial expenses.

Tips for Quitting Tobacco Permanently

Despite the challenges, it is possible to receive advice and follow recommendations to take this step. The Practical Guide to Quit Smoking in the Community of Madrid, prepared by professionals from the health system, aims to help you achieve this goal through small adjustments to your daily routine.

1. List the Reasons to Quit Smoking

Make a list of reasons to quit smoking and another list detailing why you continue smoking. Clearly identify your motivations for quitting tobacco and review them every time you feel the urge to smoke.

At the same time, it is valuable to understand the reasons behind your smoking habit, which may reveal little justification for maintaining this habit.

2. Reduce Daily Cigarette Consumption

Try to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day instead of trying to quit abruptly. Set realistic goals, such as cutting back by 2 or 3 units a day, or smoking half of each cigarette.

Also, postpone the first cigarette of the day as long as possible, which will make the quitting process easier.

3. Learn to Control the Desire to Smoke

A valuable piece of advice offered by the health service of the Community of Madrid is to resist the urge to smoke. Avoid giving in to the urge to smoke immediately, learn to control these cravings, and consider putting off the habit instead. Initially, try delaying smoking for a minute, increasing this time daily. The urge to smoke is ephemeral, subsiding in less than 5 minutes.

It is essential to understand that the purpose is not to completely eliminate the desire to smoke, but to master it.

4. Alter your Daily Routine

To quit tobacco, it is essential to make changes in other aspects of your daily life. Changing your daily habits will keep your mind busy and reduce the frequency of urges to smoke. If you usually smoke in a specific place and at a specific time daily, consider avoiding these occasions if possible.

5. Stay Busy During the Day

Spend time doing activities that you are passionate about and that bring you satisfaction, such as going to the movies, reading, writing, drawing, or socializing with friends. Preferably, choose activities that keep your hands busy or that are done in tobacco-free spaces. However, avoid generating stress, as this can increase the desire to smoke.

It is advisable to avoid the consumption of coffee and alcohol, opting for water and juices rich in vitamin C, which will accelerate the elimination of nicotine from the body and promote a healthier lifestyle.

6. Chew Something to Control the Cravings to Smoking

Chew sugarless gum or opt for fruits such as apples, strawberries, oranges or lemons to keep your mouth busy, reducing the urge to smoke. Eating healthy foods will contribute to your physical well-being and will make it easier to avoid tobacco.

7. Save the Money You Previously Spent on Tobacco

Reserve the money you used to spend on tobacco, as you quit smoking, in a piggy bank or similar place. With the money saved, you can treat yourself to something, encouraging you to smoke less and achieve greater savings.

8. Seek Support in your Closest Circle and Health Professionals

It is essential to have the support of understanding family and friends, who will make it easier to overcome obstacles in the process of quitting smoking. In addition, seeking specialized medical advice and assistance will be beneficial to remove tobacco from your life. Health professionals will make the relevant diagnosis, provide guidelines to follow and, if necessary, prescribe pharmacological treatments such as patches, tablets or gum.

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