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Effective Methods to Quit Smoking: Alternatives for Developing a Healthy Life

by vivirtusalud
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una mujer sosteniendo un bolígrafo y haciendo un signo de la paz con los dedos delante de la cara y un bolígrafo azul en la otra mano, Évariste Vital Luminais, aerógrafo, fotografía de archivo, neoplasticismo

The Importance of Quitting Tobacco Smoking

Quitting tobacco smoking carries a number of health benefits, including a greater sense of well-being and a reduced risk of heart disease. Although it is a fundamental step in improving quality of life, controlling tobacco addiction can be challenging for many people.

Effective Pharmacological Treatments to Quit Smoking

Expert Recommendations

In the smoking cessation process, it is essential to ask for help from health professionals and consider the possibility of resorting to pharmacological treatments with proven effectiveness. According to the National Ministry of Health, there are six effective pharmacological treatments for people over 18 years of age who consume between 10 and 20 cigarettes a day.

These recommendations, supported by scientific studies, have been revealed in the new clinical practice guideline on “Treatment of tobacco addiction”, prepared by a consensus panel made up of twenty-five experts from various scientific societies, institutions and jurisdictions in Argentina.

Ineffective Products to Stop Smoking

In addition, it has been alerted to the existence of 20 products that are marketed or prescribed as aids to quit smoking, but that lack proven usefulness. These include the electronic cigarette, which has gained popularity despite lacking scientific support regarding its effectiveness in quitting tobacco.

It is crucial to keep in mind that tobacco addiction involves compulsive consumption caused by mental or emotional dependence on nicotine, an addictive substance present in tobacco products. Therefore, giving up this addiction is not easy, but there are effective methods supported by the scientific community and health professionals that can help achieve it.

Practical Counseling: Key to Success

Endorsed pharmacological treatments have been shown to be effective in increasing the success rate of tobacco cessation, especially when combined with practical counseling provided by trained professionals. This combination favors the modification of smokers’ behavior, contributing to a successful smoking cessation process.

Specific Recommendations

It is essential to seek help from professionals trained in smoking cessation, as recommended by Sandra Mariela Galarza, director of the tobacco control program of the Ministry of Health of the City of Buenos Aires. Through appropriate counseling, smokers can acquire the tools to identify and cope with smoking-related events and challenges and risks of relapse.

In addition, access to intensive interventions is recommended both individually and in groups, since both modalities have been shown to increase tobacco cessation rates.

Effective Treatments for Smoking Cessation

Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Four of the six featured treatments are within the group of nicotine replacement therapies, which consist of the administration of nicotine through different forms such as gum, patches, nasal spray and dispersible lozenges.

Scientific studies have shown that nicotine replacement therapy can almost double the chances of successfully quitting smoking, making it an effective option for quitting smoking.

Other Effective Drugs

In addition to nicotine replacement therapies, there are two other effective drugs for adults who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day: the antidepressant bupropion and varenicline. These drugs have demonstrated their validity in smoking cessation processes, providing additional alternatives supported by scientific evidence.

It is important to highlight that, although work is being done to standardize the supply of varenicline, there are currently impediments to its availability due to contamination problems in batches of the product globally.

Products without Evidence of Efficacy in Smoking Cessation

Clarification on the Electronic Cigarette

The electronic cigarette does not have scientific support as a treatment to stop smoking tobacco. Their use poses risks to lung health, and both nicotine dependence and persistence in smoking behavior can persist, even in the case of devices that do not contain nicotine.

Experts reiterate that the electronic cigarette should not be considered an effective strategy to quit smoking, and warn of possible life-threatening adverse effects associated with its use.

Non-Endorsed Interventions for Smoking Cessation

The guide prepared by experts identifies various interventions that have not proven effective or safe to quit smoking, including benzodiazepines and other anxiolytics, beta blockers, silver acetate, cannabinoids, antidepressants, aversive therapies, electrostimulation, biofeedback, sensory deprivation, traditional acupuncture , laser and hypnosis.

These considerations reinforce the importance of turning to options supported by scientific evidence and the medical community when looking for alternatives to quit smoking.

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