Inici » Health Training Tests: A challenge for applicants

Health Training Tests: A challenge for applicants

by vivirtusalud
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un grupo de personas paradas en fila en un edificio con una multitud de personas paradas a su alrededor mirando sus teléfonos, David Alfaro Siqueiros, pintura barroca, una pintura renacentista, escuela de quito


The Specialized Health Training tests are a crucial moment for candidates who want to obtain a place in the health field. In this article, we will explore the challenges and importance of these tests, as well as the most recent data on the number of applicants and places offered.

A national panorama

Throughout the country, a total of 622 examination tables distributed in 28 locations today concentrate the Specialized Health Training tests. These tests attract 30,064 applicants who compete for the 11,607 places offered. Among them, 13,966 applicants will seek to obtain a place in Medicine.

In Albacete, 467 candidates will be examined at the 11 opposition tables located in the Melchor de Macanaz building, on the university campus. Another 393 applicants will take the exam at the Ciudad Real university campus.

The Challenge of the Aspirants

The beginning of the tests generates nervousness among health professionals who prepared intensely for this moment. Confidence in passing the exam and obtaining a place for clinical training is the main objective. However, some applicants are calm, considering that the die has already been cast. It has been months of hard study and preparation to face this challenge.

Diversity of applicants

The bulk of the opposition seeks a position as a resident nurse or resident doctor. In addition, there is a significant presence of pharmacists and psychologists who also aspire to obtain a clinical position. The diversity of profiles enriches the selection process and reflects the importance of different disciplines in the healthcare field.

Safety procedures

The Ministry of Health has established security and confidentiality measures to guarantee the integrity of the examination process. Only applicants will be able to access the buildings where the tests will be held. These measures seek to ensure transparency and equal opportunities for all participants.

Future perspectives

According to the Ministry of Health, the process of allocating places is expected to begin in April, and the selected applicants will join their places in mid-May. Applications to fill Medicine positions have been the most numerous, with a total of 13,966 applicants. This offer represents a 5% increase compared to the previous year.


The Specialized Health Training tests represent a challenge for applicants seeking a position in the health field. The diversity of profiles and the competition for the positions offered make this process a crucial moment in the professional careers of many health professionals. With security and transparency measures, we seek to guarantee a fair and equitable process for all participants.

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