Inici » The 10 most effective natural remedies to quit smoking

The 10 most effective natural remedies to quit smoking

by vivirtusalud
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un hombre con una camisa azul sostiene algo en la mano y sonríe a la cámara con una sonrisa en el rostro, Dariusz Zawadzki, iluminación difusa, una fotografía de archivo, precisionismo


Smoking is a habit that is harmful to health, both for those who practice it and for those around them. Stopping tobacco use is essential to preserve our health. In this article, we present 10 natural and effective remedies to help you quit smoking successfully.


Hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective in the treatment of smoking. Studies have revealed that a hypnotherapy treatment consisting of weekly sessions for 2 months can generate positive changes in 40% of patients. If treatment is prolonged, favorable results can reach up to 60%


Ginseng is a medicinal plant that can be useful in treating smoking. It has been observed that its consumption can help reduce anxiety and withdrawal symptoms related to quitting smoking.


Acupuncture is another therapeutic option that can help you quit smoking. This technique consists of applying needles to specific points on the body to stimulate the release of endorphins and reduce withdrawal symptoms [[3]]( .

Chewing gum

Chewing gum can be an ally in the process of quitting smoking. Chewing a sugar-free gum can help reduce anxiety and the desire to smoke. Additionally, it can be a useful distraction in times of temptation [[4]](


Auriculotherapy is a technique that involves stimulating specific points in the ear to treat various conditions, including smoking. It has been observed that this therapy can help reduce anxiety and withdrawal symptoms related to quitting smoking.


Valerian is a medicinal plant known for its relaxing properties. Its consumption can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality during the process of quitting smoking.


Lobelia is a plant that has been traditionally used to treat nicotine withdrawal. It has been observed that its consumption can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and the desire to smoke.


Oatmeal is a nutritious food that can be beneficial during the process of quitting smoking. Its consumption can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and improve mood


Ginger is a root with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been observed that its consumption can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and improve mood during the process of quitting smoking [[9]](

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is known for its spicy flavor, but it can also be helpful in quitting smoking. It has been observed that consuming a small amount of cayenne pepper can help reduce the desire to smoke a cigarette [[10]](


These natural remedies to quit smoking have demonstrated varying degrees of effectiveness. However, it is important to remember that willpower and determination are essential to successfully quit tobacco. Consult a health professional before starting any treatment or using natural remedies.

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