Inici » 20 Strategies to Quit Smoking (Backed by Science)

20 Strategies to Quit Smoking (Backed by Science)

by vivirtusalud
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una persona enciende un cigarrillo sobre una mesa con un cuenco de cigarrillos al fondo y un cuenco de cigarrillos en primer plano, Évariste Vital Luminais, humo, una fotografía de archivo, neoplasticismo

The danger of tobacco for health

Tobacco is incredibly harmful to our health. And the above are just a small part of all the consequences it has on our health, both physical and emotional. With more than 250 toxic chemicals per inhalation, it’s no surprise that tobacco kills one person every 6 seconds. It is responsible for 8 million deaths a year.

The difficulty of quitting smoking

Quitting smoking is complicated by the presence of nicotine, a highly addictive drug. However, with willpower and the application of scientifically backed advice, it is possible to achieve this.

Tips for quitting smoking

Changes in lifestyle

Stay physically active, a sports practice can help in the fight against addiction. Eat a healthy diet and get adequate rest. It is important to break with the routines linked to tobacco consumption and seek support in moments of weakness.

Practical strategies

It is crucial to occupy the mind, using breathing techniques in times of stress, faking the act of smoking with an inert object and looking for rewards. Also, using nicotine replacement therapies and seeking professional help can be effective.

Benefits of quitting smoking

After the first few days are over, you can begin to see physical and financial benefits, such as the strengthening of the immune system and the financial savings associated with the cost of tobacco.

The 20 keys you are looking for to quit smoking

  1. Set clear goals: Set specific, realistic goals for quitting smoking, such as reducing your daily amount or setting a quit date.
    Seek social support: Sharing your goals with friends, family, or a support group can give you the support you need during difficult times.
  2. Identify triggers: Recognize situations, emotions or activities that lead you to smoke and look for alternatives to deal with them without resorting to tobacco.
  3. Practice mindfulness: Learn mindfulness techniques to be present in the moment and reduce stress, which can help in the process of quitting smoking.
  4. Use apps to quit smoking: There are mobile apps designed to help in the process of quitting smoking, offering tracking, motivation and personalized advice.
  5. Engage in distracting activities: Keep your mind and body busy with activities that you enjoy and that are not related to tobacco.
  6. Eliminate objects related to tobacco: Get rid of ashtrays, lighters and any other object that reminds you of smoking.
  7. Consult with a health professional: Seeking guidance from a doctor or therapist can provide a personalized approach to overcoming addiction.
  8. Use cognitive behavioral therapy: This therapeutic approach can help identify and change patterns of thinking and behavior associated with smoking.
  9. Reward yourself for achievements: Celebrate your progress and achievements in the process of quitting smoking, positively reinforcing your efforts.
  10. Visualize the long-term benefits: Imagine how your health and quality of life will improve as you quit smoking, which can be an additional motivator.
  11. Incorporate regular physical activity: Exercise can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and improve mood, providing a healthy alternative to smoking.
  12. Learn stress management techniques: Practicing techniques such as meditation, yoga or relaxation exercises can help reduce stress, a common trigger for smoking.
  13. Establish an online support network: Participating in online communities or forums where people share their experiences quitting smoking can provide additional support and practical advice.
  14. Create a progress diary: Keeping a daily record of your progress, challenges and achievements allows you to have detailed monitoring of your process and helps you stay focused on your goal.
  15. Explore relaxation techniques: In addition to deep breathing, consider learning techniques such as acupuncture, hypnosis, or biofeedback to help reduce anxiety related to quitting tobacco.
  16. Set short-term rewards: Set small rewards for yourself as you reach milestones in your quitting journey, providing immediate incentives.
  17. Avoid high-risk situations: Identify places or situations that encourage you to smoke and look for ways to avoid them or deal with them differently.
  18. Participate in tobacco cessation programs: Join specific programs designed to help people quit smoking, which may include group therapies, individual counseling, and additional resources.
    Commit publicly: Announcing your decision to quit smoking to friends, family, or on social media can create a sense of responsibility and increase social support.


Quitting smoking is a challenge, but with determination and the application of science-backed strategies, it is possible. Nicotine, a highly addictive substance in tobacco, makes quitting the habit difficult, but the benefits to physical and emotional health are significant.

Proposed strategies range from lifestyle changes, such as physical activity and a healthy diet, to practical tactics, such as engaging the mind in times of stress and seeking rewards. Identifying triggers and finding social support are essential in this journey.

Additionally, the benefits of quitting smoking, such as strengthening the immune system and financial savings, offer valuable incentives to get through the difficult first few days. Incorporating additional methods, such as mindfulness, removing tobacco-related objects, and participation in specialized programs, can increase the chances of success.

Ultimately, each person can find their own effective approach to quitting smoking. The key lies in perseverance, adaptability, and seeking professional help when necessary. By taking steps toward a smoke-free lifestyle, significant improvements in health and well-being can be experienced.

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