Inici » The medicinal plant that helps to quit smoking naturally

The medicinal plant that helps to quit smoking naturally

by vivirtusalud
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una persona sosteniendo un cigarrillo en la mano con un cigarrillo en la mano izquierda y un cigarrillo en la otra, Évariste Vital Luminais, cepillo duro, una fotografía de archivo, escuela de Heidelberg

The challenge of quitting smoking

Smoking is one of the most common addictions today, but also one of the most harmful not only to the health, but also to the pockets of those who suffer from it.

When a person decides to quit smoking, it becomes a real challenge, the withdrawal syndrome appears and nicotine addiction tends to be stronger than the will, while the smoker’s health deteriorates smoke after smoke.

The anti-smoking ban

Among the many qualities that plantain has, the aid in the fight against smoking stands out, as pointed out in the document ‘Herbolaria Oaxaqueña para la salut’, published by the National Institute of Women (Inmujeres) of Mexico.

Plantain also helps relieve some of the conditions that suffer from regular smokers, such as respiratory tract ailments, fights inflammations of the mouth and throat, including angina, tonsils and gingivitis.

Other medicinal properties of plantain

The use of plantain is not limited to combating ailments in the respiratory tract, or to help stop smoking, but has more healing properties, as the Inmujeres document clearly points out.

This medicinal plant is used to heal skin affections, as well as external wounds, while internally it promotes the healing of ulcers.

Contraindications and side effects

Although it is a medicinal plant considered safe for human consumption, there are a series of contraindications that must be followed to avoid unwanted side effects.

In the case of plantain, it is not recommended to be administered to children under two years of age, nor to pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Although this medicinal plant has no significant side effects, it should be noted that if its consumption causes digestive discomfort, it is best to reduce the dose or suspend its use.

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